FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

Digital marketing is any kind of marketing that is geared towards smartphones, laptops, tablets and basically any other device that is capable of connecting to Wi-Fi. Traditional marketing will focus on radio, TV, print and film, whereas when it comes to digital marketing we want to be thinking about apps, websites, blogs, social media, email and online content.

Would my company benefit from digital marketing?

YES YES YES. You don’t have to replace your traditional marketing efforts with digital ones, but it is 2021 and if the word digital doesn’t come into your marketing strategy then your business will not thrive. It really is as simple as that.

What are keywords?

Keywords are the words and phrases that searchers use- usually on a search engine. These are the words that we use when looking for pages, images, videos, blogs, any kind of information or content on the web really. These keywords need to be strategically inserted into your pages and content.

Which social media channels should my business be using?

Firstly, you should be focusing on the social media platforms with the most active users. These are (in order), Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. Next, you need to determine where your target audience spends their time and educate yourself on the demographic. What are their behavioural patterns? What kind of content do they prefer? How does social media influence them as a consumer?

Is email marketing still effective?

Definitely! You should never assume that because social media has become so hugely popular, that it’s enough to solely focus your digital marketing strategy on social platforms. There are more active email accounts than active accounts on any social media in the world. Email marketing is more private and often feels more personal to the consumer. Most people are consistently tuned into their email, checking it multiple times a day and constantly seeing notifications appear on their mobiles, laptops and tablets.

Should I buy an email list?

Please don’t. Bought email lists are basically just a way for you to SPAM random members of the public. Grow your email list organically through subscription buttons and calls-to-action. This way you are not only protecting your company’s reputation but you are also spending your time and money on an email campaign geared towards genuine prospects who have asked you to contact them.

Do I need an email newsletter?

It’s wise to send regular updates your subscribers with news of new content, new products (or improvements), events, and so forth. It’s not wise to expect your email list to expand fast simply by offering a newsletter.